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HSA Contributions for Adult Children on Your Health Plan
Many understand the tax advantages of employing a health savings account for themselves or their family, but few know how it can be used for an adult child. Check the rules to see if your adult child can open their own HSA.
It’s Not too Late to Reduce Your 2024 Tax Bill
Having a sizable amount of taxable income sounds and feels great until tax time. Make a point to talk with your tax preparer or financial advisor to do an estimated tax projection mid-year and develop a plan for minimizing taxes that makes sense for you.
Five Fascinating Facts About HSAs
You can contribute pre-tax dollars, invest the funds while enjoying tax-free growth, and withdraw the funds free of tax if used for qualified medical expenses.
Worried about Healthcare Expenses?
Individuals with personal or group coverage (not Medicare) may have access to healthcare savings accounts that can be used independently or even paired together to maximize tax benefits.
Planning for the Unexpected
Any health diagnosis is typically unexpected and can turn our world upside down. Understanding the financial impact can alleviate anxiety and allow you to focus your energy on the days ahead.
Make Your HSA an IRA on Steroids
What if I told you a Health Savings Account is the most tax efficient and versatile retirement account you own? Believe it or not, with proper planning, an HSA can blow the doors off your 401(k), IRA, or even a Roth IRA!
The Underutilized HSA
By law, Health Savings Accounts are so tax-efficient they may be the best investment vehicle available. Then why are we not maximizing their use?
What are HSAs and FSAs?
Most of us are familiar with the terms HSA and FSA, but chances are you might not understand the differences between the two medical savings accounts. While both can be offered by employers in conjunction with a health insurance plan, the two accounts have some marked differences. Read on for the details.
Are You Making the Most of Your HSA?
HSAs are rising in popularity, and some are using these accounts as investment vehicles. So how do you know if you’re getting the most out of your HSA? It’s important to understand the details of HSAs and your financial situation to determine if investing these funds makes sense for you. We’ve outlined the basics, along with questions to be sure to ask yourself before deciding.
Medicare and HSAs: Don’t Get Caught in the Dark
Medicare can create quite a bit of confusion: When should I enroll? What coverage do I need? What happens with my HSA? Unfortunately, if you’re contributing to a Health Savings Account, enrollment in Medicare can create an issue. Be sure you understand how Medicare will impact you and your family so you can make informed decisions about your health coverage and avoid any penalties.
Health Insurance, HSAs and Adult Children - Your Questions
It has become increasingly popular to keep your “adult” children on your health insurance plan until age 26, but it’s not as simple as just letting them use your insurance coverage. Read on for the ins and outs of health insurance and HSAs and what that might mean for your adult children.