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Traditional vs. Roth IRAs
Between now and April 15th, millions of taxpayers can make a 2024 or 2025 IRA contribution. Understanding the nuances of Traditional and Roth IRAs can potentially lead to tax savings.
How to Access Retirement Funds Before Age 59 1/2
Each method has its own rules and consequences for breaking them, so it is best to solicit advice from a financial advisor and consult with your tax professional/accountant to help determine which method is best for your personal situation.
Mega Backdoor Roth? What is this?
The Mega Backdoor Roth is a great way for higher-income earners to take advantage of Roth-like benefits through their employer retirement plan. There are many aspects to consider before attempting to incorporate this strategy into your savings goals.
401(k) Contribution Types: What to Consider
The benefit of traditional contributions is that you receive an above-the-line deduction for the cumulative amount contributed each year, meaning that the amount contributed is deducted from your income before calculating your adjusted gross income (AGI).
Roth Conversions and Capital Gain Harvesting – Why Both Have Their Place
A couple of withdrawal strategies that should be considered are the Roth conversion and harvesting of capital gains. Both strategies involve the recognition of income, though the tax impact is quite different.
Retiring Early? Avoid Withdrawal Penalty
The “Roth Conversion Ladder” strategy isn’t for everyone, but anyone considering early retirement should know about it. Pay the tax early, let the funds grow, count to five (years), and withdraw your principal both tax and penalty-free.
Tax-Free Income In Retirement
For those unfamiliar with the Backdoor Roth IRA, this strategy entails making nondeductible contributions to an IRA and subsequently converting those assets to a Roth IRA.
Tax Time! IRA Basics and Surprising Facts
As tax season nears, people of all ages have questions about IRAs. They may seem pretty straight-forward on the surface, but how much do you know about them? Let’s refresh your memory of IRA basics and explore some surprising facts.
The Many Decisions of an Investor
You've just won $10,000. What now? It may be time to hire a professional to remove the confusion from your financial situation.
Roth IRA: Jump Start Your Child’s Retirement Fund
Chances are your teen isn’t thinking about saving for her retirement quite yet. But contributing now to a Roth IRA can give her a leg up on her retirement savings. Unsure if your teen will want to contribute any of her hard-earned money? No worries – anyone can contribute to a Roth IRA on her behalf. Read on for the details and what to watch out for.
Your Roth Account and the 2018 Rule Changes: Your Questions Answered
As part of the tax law changes enacted earlier this year, the rules regarding Roth accounts have also been updated. Be sure you understand the new Roth rules and how they could impact you and your wallet.
Traditional vs. Roth 401(k) Plans
Given the choice, would you prefer a tax break now or a tax advantage later? The differences between 401(k) plan options can have substantial effects on your long-term financial goals.