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New and Updated 2025 Tax Laws
With the dawn of a new calendar year, some tax laws have been updated, some have changed, and others are set to end. You may want to bookmark this article and reference it as you move through the year.
Mega Backdoor Roth? What is this?
The Mega Backdoor Roth is a great way for higher-income earners to take advantage of Roth-like benefits through their employer retirement plan. There are many aspects to consider before attempting to incorporate this strategy into your savings goals.
Income Tax Tips Every Retiree Should Know
The rules and strategies centered on saving for retirement in a tax-efficient manner fade to a distant memory, and a new set of rules around spending and withdrawing sink in.
What To Do With a 529 Plan for a Disabled Child
With TCJA expiring on 12/31/2025, tax-free rollovers are also set to expire. There is, however, a bill called the ENABLE Act that would make tax-free rollovers permanent. The ENABLE Act becoming law seems promising, as it passed the United States Senate in September 2024.
The Gift that Keeps on Giving: Using an IRA to Fund a Charitable Gift Annuity
With the passing of the SECURE 2.0 Act, donors over the age of 70.5 can now make a once-in-a-lifetime distribution from an IRA to a Charitable Gift Annuity through a qualified charitable distribution (QCD).
It’s Not too Late to Reduce Your 2024 Tax Bill
Having a sizable amount of taxable income sounds and feels great until tax time. Make a point to talk with your tax preparer or financial advisor to do an estimated tax projection mid-year and develop a plan for minimizing taxes that makes sense for you.
Tax Changes Coming Soon?
Taxpayers underwent a dramatic change in late 2017 with the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). In another two years, we may undergo another dramatic shift.
Family Gifting Strategies
Awareness of gift tax rules is imperative when structuring a strategy. Whether gifting to adult family members or children, there are many ways to find a balanced approach to transferring assets.
Planning for a Sunset with a Tax Planning Perspective
Private equity presents an enticing proposition for investors seeking enhanced returns and diversification beyond traditional asset classes.
Tax Planning for the Soon-to-Be Retiree
Retirees can maximize their retirement wealth by implementing tax-efficient strategies such as Roth conversions, realizing gains in the 0% bracket, and withdrawing pre-tax funds in the 10 and 12% brackets.
Table Those Capital Gains – 1031 Exchanges
To qualify for a 1031 exchange, a few characteristics must be met. First, the property that you are selling (known as the relinquished property) and the property that you are purchasing (known as the replacement property) must be what the IRS deems “like-kind.”
Understanding the Kiddie Tax: How it Works and What Parents Need to Know
The Kiddie Tax applies to children under 19 years old and full-time students under 24 who don't support themselves financially. The tax is assessed on unearned income received by children who meet previously noted age requirements.
Tax Time: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Tax season can be a stressful time for many of us. Spending extra time on preparation can make the whole process run more smoothly and avoid the kind of errors that a slapdash approach can engender.
Tax Refund: Save or Spend?
What should you do when you get a large refund? If you have any debt, specifically high-interest debt, one of the best uses of your tax refund would be to pay down that debt.
Tax-Free-High-Yield College Savings
Only this year has the FDIC insured Savings Portfolio yield become attractive. Combining it with the tax-free potential and the state tax credit makes it a fantastic opportunity for those setting aside money for upcoming education expenses.
Everything You Need To Know About QCDs
To qualify as a QCD, the gift must be made directly from an IRA account. Employer plans, such as 401ks or 403bs, aren’t eligible for QCDs, just IRAs.
Marry for the Money? Maybe or Maybe Not
Social Security benefits are an essential piece of many retirees' financial plans. Most people know they are entitled to benefits based on their own record or earning history, but did you know that you are also eligible for benefits on your spouse's earnings?
Protect Your Estate from Taxes
Suffice it to say there are ample estate planning techniques to help reduce your gross estate amount before death. Portability can play an important role in your estate planning.
Options for Charitable Giving
There are many different ways to support charitable causes aside from making financial gifts. Gifts of time and expertise are also highly valued by charitable organizations. If you donate monetarily to charity, reevaluate your strategy for simplicity or tax efficiencies.
Are You Making These Common Tax Mistakes?
Unfortunately, even as tax prep software evolves, several common mistakes prevail. So how can you avoid these common (and costly) errors?
Tax Loss Harvesting – Be Careful
In December of each year, many mutual funds pay out capital gains. These payouts go to whoever owns the mutual fund on the "ex-dividend" date. These capital gains are gains incurred over the entire year. However, if you purchase the fund the day before the ex-dividend date, you will only own the fund for one day, but you will end up with the entire year's capital gain distribution.
Indiana’s School Scholarship Tax Credit
Indiana is incentivizing Indiana taxpayers with a 50 percent tax credit when they donate to eligible SGOs. The program supports students and families in financial need while financially rewarding donors. Indiana's School Scholarship Tax Credit Program is a win-win for everyone!
Rapidly Approaching Year-End Tax Deadlines
Completing time-sensitive tax-related actions sooner rather than later means your focus can be on what truly matters during the holiday season – spending time with family and friends.
Amidst Bond Market Carnage - Any Opportunities?
High yield, investment grade, long-term, and intermediate bonds have taken large hits. Only short-term and adjustable-rate bonds have largely escaped the carnage. So what is happening to the bond market, and what should you do?
2021 Tax Filing got you Down?
Having high taxable income sounds and feels great until tax time. Know that short and long-term capital losses can offset long-term capital gains.
Inheritors of IRAs – Proposed Changes
Are changes to the SECURE Act on the way? It is important to be at the forefront of what is on the table so proper due diligence can be taken in advance of any enactment of proposed acts.
Market Sell Off: Consider Tax-Loss Harvesting
Tax-loss harvesting can be one of the few benefits of a market selloff. However, you want to make sure you can use that benefit on your taxes, so knowing the wash-sale rule is important.
Retiring Early? Avoid Withdrawal Penalty
The “Roth Conversion Ladder” strategy isn’t for everyone, but anyone considering early retirement should know about it. Pay the tax early, let the funds grow, count to five (years), and withdraw your principal both tax and penalty-free.
Inherited IRAs: Do You Know The Rules?
When the SECURE Act first passed, the rules seemed straightforward. In practice, we are now encountering individuals who have more than one Inherited IRA account and possibly different distributions plans for each one.
Goodbye 2021 – Oops, What Did I Forget?
When it comes to tax law and estate planning regulations, Congress is, if nothing else, unpredictable. While the Build Back Better bill appears to be dead in its current state, another bill will soon follow, offering up its own set of planning challenges.
Widow Sells Her House: Tax Consequences?
When Harry met Sally, they bought a wonderful home for $50,000. They loved their home, neighborhood, and the fond memories created there. However, when Harry passed away, Sally decided it was time to move. Now, Sally is left wondering what the tax consequences might be.
Calculating Your Withholding Tax
If you typically get a large refund or end up owing a significant amount at tax-filing time, or your tax filing status or earned income changes, you may want to adjust form W-4.
Child Tax Credit: Opt Out or Take the Money?
Earlier this year, the American Rescue Plan authorized a portion of the Child Tax Credit to be paid to eligible taxpayers monthly but don’t spend those funds right away. If your financial situation has changed, you may have to pay some of those dollars back!
Enhanced Child Tax Credit – Do You Qualify?
The American Rescue Plan (ARP) has more than just stimulus payments to offer. If you qualify for the enhanced child tax credit, be on the lookout for the IRS portal rollout in a few months. Many families have benefited from child tax credits in years past, but the enhanced credit differs in several ways.
ARP Stimulus Payment: Are You Eligible?
Just $1 too much could cost you your entire rebate. Reducing your adjusted gross income can help maximize your rebate without costing you a dime.
The Nanny Tax. How Does it Work?
So, you hired a nanny to reduce the pandemic chaos. But did you think about the tax issues involved? It’s worth taking the time to structure household employee arrangements at the beginning of an engagement, so everyone involved is protected from day one.
COVID Stimulus #2 and Personal Tax Planning Strategies
After months of debate, Congress finally passed round two of economic relief. Along with the allocation of spending dollars, what are some of the other benefits for taxpayers?
2021 Tax Outlook: Proposals & Planning
There is always fluidity with tax proposals. However, it is best to have a plan in place for whatever uncertainty may lie ahead. Review your options with your financial and tax advisors.
Upcoming Election: Will it Impact Your Estate Plan?
When it comes to estate planning, current policies have never been more favorable than today. Everyone’s goals and intentions for wealth transfer are different, so customizing a strategy that fits your needs is the most important first step.
Cryptocurrencies: What IRS Wants to Know
If you are a cryptocurrency fan, heads up! As cryptocurrency investing becomes more popular, the IRS will shine a larger spotlight on tax reporting.
Let’s End 2020! But don’t forget year-end tax planning!
Spend some time now getting your 2020 tax picture in order. In just a few months, 2021 will arrive. Here are several things to consider before the calendar turns over.
Concerned about Future Taxes?
As a financial planner, my focus is on helping our clients achieve their goals, which means maximizing every dollar. This requires a complete understanding of the client's current tax situation, foresight on how their taxable income will look in future years, and some educated guessing on where tax rates may be. The goal is to pay as little tax as possible.
Don't Wash Out with Your Tax-Loss Harvesting Strategy
You don’t need to wait until the end of the year to take advantage of tax-loss harvesting. Minimizing your tax obligation through effective tax-loss harvesting strategies can help your investment portfolio grow.
Want Triple Tax Benefits? Donate to Scholarship-Granting Organizations
Looking to provide scholarship funds to your alma mater or favorite school? Gifting to a scholarship-granting organization (SGO) allows you to do just that while also realizing great tax benefits. Read on for all the details to help you put money in your alma mater’s pocket, while keeping a bit more in your own!
How to Make Tax Efficient Investments
Taxes are an important consideration in investing. They should not be the sole driving force behind investment decisions, but investors should take them into consideration.
Make Your HSA an IRA on Steroids
What if I told you a Health Savings Account is the most tax efficient and versatile retirement account you own? Believe it or not, with proper planning, an HSA can blow the doors off your 401(k), IRA, or even a Roth IRA!
The Underutilized HSA
By law, Health Savings Accounts are so tax-efficient they may be the best investment vehicle available. Then why are we not maximizing their use?
Pay Off Your Mortgage or Invest the Extra Cash?
Paying off your mortgage can be a very attractive option when you find yourself with extra money. Not so fast, though! Is paying that mortgage off really your best financial option? While being mortgage-free can definitely be a good thing, you should be sure it doesn’t make more sense to invest that money. We’ll walk you through what you should be thinking about to make the best decision for your situation.
Opportunity Zone Investing
Opportunity zone investing might not be a phrase you’re familiar with, but they can be a nice tax advantage for those with unrealized capital gains in their portfolio. We explain what opportunity zone investing is, and how you can determine if this type of investing works for your portfolio.
Owe Taxes? What Went Wrong in 2018 and How to Survive It
With 2019 being the first year to file under the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, many Americans are finding themselves faced with a tax bill due to Uncle Sam. Unsure how this happened, how to pay for your tax burden, or what you can do to prevent another tax bill in the future? Read on for the details.
New Standard Deduction: Do you still Itemize?
It’s almost tax time, and along with that comes a new standard deduction that could shake up how you file your taxes. If you’ve been used to itemizing your deductions, this year might be the first where you take the new larger standard deduction. We’ve broken down who might itemize versus who will likely benefit from taking the deduction, along with tax strategies you can employ right now to benefit your tax situation in 2019.
Tax Planning & Capital Gains: Now’s the Time to Tackle It!
With just over two months left in 2018, now is a good time to start your tax planning, and analyzing your capital-gain situation could result in a lower tax bill come Tax Day 2019. By considering various strategies to offset your capital gains, you could reduce your tax impact and keep as much of those gains in your pocket as possible.
Your Roth Account and the 2018 Rule Changes: Your Questions Answered
As part of the tax law changes enacted earlier this year, the rules regarding Roth accounts have also been updated. Be sure you understand the new Roth rules and how they could impact you and your wallet.
Investing with the New Tax Plan
Wondering how future investing and tax strategies might be impacted by changes outlined in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act? What’s changed and what’s stayed the same? We have you covered - we’ve compiled a list of those changes that might be most pertinent to you, as you consider your investment and tax strategies.
Flexible Spending Account = Money Saved
How would you like to save on your next pair of glasses or your child’s preschool tuition? You don’t need a coupon and you won’t have to negotiate a deal – all you need is a Flexible Spending Account.
Career Starters: Wake Up!
What’s the one deadly sin that can ruin your financial future? Answer: Spending when you should be saving! If you are part of the millennial ...
Charitable Gift Fund: Questions & Answers
Are you interested in simplifying your charitable giving? Or, perhaps you want to reduce your tax liability in a high income year. Do you have ...
Tax Strategies to Ease the Pain of a Down Market!
It’s not fun to watch your portfolio decrease in value, but there is a way to make lemonade out of lemons!
Stock Portfolio Down, Taxes Up - How Does that Happen?
As we write this, the stock market seems to be on course for its first down year since 2008. While not fun, drops in the stock market are natural and should be expected from time to time.
Tax Reducing Strategies for RMDs
If you are over 70 ½, read this article! The Internal Revenue Service requires you to withdraw a minimum amount each year from your retirement accounts. If you don’t need the money, you have options that can reduce your taxes either this year or in the future.