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Image for Presidential Election and Your Portfolio

Jul 8, 2024

Presidential Election and Your Portfolio

Many factors impact the return of the S&P 500. This would include wars, pandemics, and geopolitical circumstances that are not always in control of the president.

Image for Economy and Stock Market: Is this 2021 all over again?

Jun 24, 2024

Economy and Stock Market: Is this 2021 all over again?

With many of today’s economic trends eerily similar to those of a few years ago, are we doomed for another bear market downturn like the one we experienced in 2022? Is this another bubble waiting to burst?

Image for Is China a Reliable Investment Market?

Jun 10, 2024

Is China a Reliable Investment Market?

Unique opportunities within industries combined with a low valuation can create an environment for great investments. And while China has such an environment, the risks are quite sizeable.

Image for Investing in Uncertain Times

May 13, 2024

Investing in Uncertain Times

With markets at historically high valuations, rebalancing the risk in your portfolio may be prudent. However, as each investor’s situation and portfolio are different, it is best to talk with your financial advisor to determine if these investments should play a larger role in your portfolio.

Image for 1st Quarter Market Update

Apr 1, 2024

1st Quarter Market Update

While we may not be able to rely on a 10%-per-quarter pace from equities, there is still much to celebrate in how far we've come from peak inflation in 2022 and the economy's strength in early 2024.

Image for Did the Federal Reserve Stick the (Soft) Landing?

Dec 11, 2023

Did the Federal Reserve Stick the (Soft) Landing?

So far, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell should be applauded for his decisions and results. Some may say the Federal Reserve put us in this position in 2021 when they believed inflation was transitory.

Image for Are You at Risk of Concentrated Returns?

Nov 27, 2023

Are You at Risk of Concentrated Returns?

The Magnificent Seven is a collection of the largest and best-performing stocks in the U.S. These stocks have all skyrocketed in 2023 and contributed a big chunk of the return in the S&P 500 Index.

Image for Is the 60/40 Portfolio Dead?

Nov 13, 2023

Is the 60/40 Portfolio Dead?

Is the 60/40 investment strategy dead? 2022 was a brutal year for this strategy. While the stock market's short term decline was unpleasant, it’s important to have an understanding of your goals and objectives before making emotional decisions.

Image for Eli Lilly’s Tremendous Year Leaves Investors with Big Decisions

Sep 18, 2023

Eli Lilly’s Tremendous Year Leaves Investors with Big Decisions

While the meteoric rise of Lilly stock has been a boon to many investors, managing the new risks associated with the stock is an important consideration to preserve gains and minimize risks for the total portfolio.

Image for Debt Ceiling Drama

Jul 11, 2023

Debt Ceiling Drama

Halfway through May, the headlines came daily. We would get several breaking news updates each day as we neared the end of the month. The press coverage became relentless, and the debt ceiling standoff was front and center of the attention of Americans.

Image for Let’s Play Poker: Go with the Odds!

Nov 14, 2022

Let’s Play Poker: Go with the Odds!

So, with the odds of positive returns stacked in your favor, do you want to risk missing out to save yourself a bit of downside? Look at the list of risks – do you think you can accurately predict how even one of them will play out?

Image for IPOs & SPACs:  Where did they go?

Oct 3, 2022

IPOs & SPACs: Where did they go?

One of the fascinating developments during the COVID-19 pandemic was Wall Street's short-lived obsession with IPOs and SPACs. The recent choppy performance of IPOs is a good example of how quickly high-risk investments can decline in a broad market pullback.

Image for The Doves Have Left the Nest

Sep 28, 2022

The Doves Have Left the Nest

Statements by Fed Chairman Jerome Powell on August 26th poured cold water on the stock market rally. Powell has been using strong language to reiterate the Federal Reserve's position that tackling inflation remains the central bank's number one priority, and they intend to maintain this policy even if it causes "pain" to the markets or economy.

Image for Investing for the Long Term is More Than Just Talk

Aug 8, 2022

Investing for the Long Term is More Than Just Talk

While we know you get tired of hearing it, the best advice we can give is to stay the course and ensure that your portfolio is aligned with your financial goals. This is not just an empty platitude; we encourage it because it works.

Image for What Investment Could Beat Owning an NFL Team?

Jun 27, 2022

What Investment Could Beat Owning an NFL Team?

Pat Bowlen purchased the Denver Broncos in 1984 for $78 million. Upon his passing in 2019, there were family disputes and court cases, which eventually resulted in the recent sale of the team for $4.65 billion.

Image for Are We Headed For a Recession? Were We In a Recession?  Does it Matter?

Jun 14, 2022

Are We Headed For a Recession? Were We In a Recession? Does it Matter?

After the Federal Reserve began raising its Federal Funds discount rate, the headlines predictably shifted to guess whether these actions would cause an economic slowdown and a recession.

Image for Market Jitters - Don’t Panic!

Jun 6, 2022

Market Jitters - Don’t Panic!

As equity and fixed income assets across the globe decline in unison, it is imperative to tune out the noise of day-to-day headlines and remain committed to the strategy of a personalized financial plan.

Image for Give your Portfolio a Boost: Diversify During Cyclical Markets

Apr 28, 2022

Give your Portfolio a Boost: Diversify During Cyclical Markets

Cyclical markets can be unsettling: increased market swings and volatility can scare even the most seasoned of investors. But these market cycles can be used to your advantage. Jonathan explains how to make the market cycles work to your portfolio’s benefit.

Image for The Market is Dropping, What Should I Do?

Mar 22, 2022

The Market is Dropping, What Should I Do?

Markets will not always go up, but they have rewarded the long-term investor over time. We know you get tired of hearing it, the best advice we can give is to stay the course and ensure that your portfolio is aligned with your financial goals.

Image for Hawkish Fed: Good for Your Portfolio?

Jan 24, 2022

Hawkish Fed: Good for Your Portfolio?

The Fed has tremendous influence over the economy and the markets. After years of stimulus, it must navigate an unenviable balancing act of combating inflation without rattling confidence in the markets.

Image for 2021 U.S. Economy – The Bedel Barometer

Dec 20, 2021

2021 U.S. Economy – The Bedel Barometer

The current score for the Bedel Barometer is +3. While we all know “past performance is not a guarantee of future results,” our economic metrics continue to improve with the slow reopening of the economy.

Image for Reset Your Expectations

Sep 16, 2021

Reset Your Expectations

Stocks inevitably encounter rough patches and periods of increased volatility. While investors have benefited from seven straight months of increases in the equity markets, it is important to remember the cyclical nature of markets.

Image for Are Stocks Expensive?

May 10, 2021

Are Stocks Expensive?

Investors need to consider the current environment when managing their return expectations in the coming years. If you are becoming concerned about higher valuations and fear a downturn, a strategy to consider is becoming more defensive with your equity allocations.

Image for Tales from the Crypt-o

Mar 15, 2021

Tales from the Crypt-o

The BItcoin hype is back, but it is important to keep in mind that most of the companies investing in Bitcoin are doing so in very small amounts.

Image for Hedge Funds: Risky Investment or Portfolio Diversifier?

Mar 8, 2021

Hedge Funds: Risky Investment or Portfolio Diversifier?

You must do your research before investing in a hedge fund. You will want to be familiar with the investment strategy and understand the fee structure as well as their liquidation rules.

Image for Are you a Gambler or Investor?

Feb 15, 2021

Are you a Gambler or Investor?

Investing in certain parts of the market without a plan can result in the same dynamic as gambling. Are you ready to make a bet?

Image for COVID and the Markets – A Year Later

Feb 1, 2021

COVID and the Markets – A Year Later

After a surprisingly strong 2020, the stock market continued to perform well through most of January. No one knows what the rest of the year holds, so make sure that your portfolio reflects your long-term goals.

Image for GameStop Mania

Jan 28, 2021

GameStop Mania

While many view the Gamestop "short squeeze" as a victory for the 'little guy,' the story remains unfinished. Many individual investors stand to lose out considerably if the share price falls back to realistic valuations.

Image for Are You Guaranteeing Losses in Your Portfolio?

Dec 14, 2020

Are You Guaranteeing Losses in Your Portfolio?

After this year of volatility, some investors may want to reduce their portfolio risk and shift toward less risk or risk-free investments. These types of shifts provide protection with a small positive return. Right? Well, not always.

Image for Tesla Joins the S&P 500 Index – The Impact

Nov 23, 2020

Tesla Joins the S&P 500 Index – The Impact

The addition of Tesla into the S&P 500 Index has been S&P's most controversial decision in recent history. What are the pros and cons of adding the highly valued car company to the Index?

Image for Dow Jones: 30,000 Points?

Nov 16, 2020

Dow Jones: 30,000 Points?

Investing will always be met with uncertainty, whether the Dow is 20,000 points, 30,000 points, or 40,000 points. It is rarely a smooth ride to that next milestone.

Image for What's a SPAC?

Nov 2, 2020

What's a SPAC?

SPACs, also known as "blank check" companies, have raised over $48 billion this year, and it seems like every day a new one gets announced. But what exactly are they, and how do they work?

Image for Q3 Market Update: Are We There Yet?

Oct 5, 2020

Q3 Market Update: Are We There Yet?

Are you prepared for what the last stretch of 2020 could bring? With a disciplined approach and a solid financial plan, you should be equipped to weather any storm.

Image for Let’s Split the Apple!

Aug 24, 2020

Let’s Split the Apple!

Apple (APPL) is one of the largest publicly traded companies and has a market cap that recently surpassed $2 trillion! So why are they splitting their stock, and how will it impact your portfolio?

Image for 2020 Halftime Market Update

Jul 13, 2020

2020 Halftime Market Update

Did equity markets fully recover from their March lows? Is the reopening of global economies sustainable, or are we on a path to another shutdown?

Image for Earnings are Falling: What Does That Mean for the Stock Market?

May 11, 2020

Earnings are Falling: What Does That Mean for the Stock Market?

With large swaths of the economy closed for part of the first quarter, expectations for corporate earnings headed south in a hurry. What does this mean for the stock market?

Image for Records Get Headlines but Other Developments Are More Important

May 5, 2020

Records Get Headlines but Other Developments Are More Important

The stock market has experienced dramatic daily and weekly swings, both positive and negative. While traditional economic data will likely continue to be negative for some time, it is helpful to pay attention to developments in other areas that also provide signals of the health of the economy.

Image for Markets Don’t Like Unknowns!

Mar 16, 2020

Markets Don’t Like Unknowns!

Have you taken a look at your investment portfolio? During times of uncertainty, it is important not to get lost in the daily headlines. Concentrate on keeping everything in perspective. Let’s take a step back and remind ourselves of where we were not so long ago and look for where we might be headed in the next few weeks.

Image for Time To Check Your 401(k)

Mar 2, 2020

Time To Check Your 401(k)

The past week has seen volatility creep back into the stock market, and after a long run of positive returns, investors now have to ponder how much risk is too much. What should you do?

Image for Who Does the Stock Market Favor? Trump or Someone Else?

Feb 24, 2020

Who Does the Stock Market Favor? Trump or Someone Else?

There are many books and theories published around the correlation between election cycles and stock market cycles. Is it true that the stock market outperforms in an election year? We are here to debunk (or not) myths and share some facts.

Image for The Coronavirus - A Useful Reminder for Investors

Feb 17, 2020

The Coronavirus - A Useful Reminder for Investors

While the impact of the Wuhan coronavirus may seem temporary and relatively mild, the scare does serve as a useful lesson for investors. It is a good reminder to investors to expect the unexpected and to not act impulsively.

Image for Defining Your Investment Outcome: Is it Possible?

Feb 3, 2020

Defining Your Investment Outcome: Is it Possible?

Has the climb of stock prices caused investors to forget about the importance of having protection in their portfolios to guard against corrections? Maybe defined outcome investments are what you need.

Image for Demystifying Economic Indicators

Nov 25, 2019

Demystifying Economic Indicators

Are you hearing chatter about an upcoming economic recession? Economists use a variety of economic data to formulate their opinions but they are often confusing and meaningless to everyone else. Here are some of the more common economic indicator data points and their significance.

Image for Want A Guaranteed Negative Return?

Aug 19, 2019

Want A Guaranteed Negative Return?

The recent sharp downward move in interest rates, coupled with recent downturns in the market, has created an interesting situation for some investors – guaranteed negative returns on nearly 25 percent of bonds currently trading. What could this mean for your portfolio? Read on for the details.

Image for Customize Your Approach to Asset Allocations

May 15, 2019

Customize Your Approach to Asset Allocations

When it comes to asset allocation, there’s no solution that’s one-size-fits-all. As you near retirement, it’s increasingly important to be sure that your balance of stocks to bonds is appropriate. We’ve detailed two methods to help determine what your asset allocation should look like.

Image for Spin-Offs: A Rude Surprise or Fantastic Opportunity?

Apr 15, 2019

Spin-Offs: A Rude Surprise or Fantastic Opportunity?

Yesterday you had stock worth $100 per share. Today it’s worth 25% less! What happened? Spin-offs might not be a common stock market term for you, but it can be a common practice amongst companies. We’ve defined what a spin-off is, along with how you might expect it to affect your portfolio. Read on for the details…

Image for Market Caps: What’s in Your Portfolio?

Mar 18, 2019

Market Caps: What’s in Your Portfolio?

Do you know what’s in your portfolio? While your answer might be “Yes,” it’s a good idea to look a bit closer to be sure you’re taking the amount of risk you intended. If you use index funds within your portfolio, be sure to understand the underlying stocks within each fund. This can easily alter how well your investments are meeting your expectations.

Image for Market Volatility – Fodder for Financial Fears

Jan 21, 2019

Market Volatility – Fodder for Financial Fears

The Dow Jones and S&P 500 took investors on a roller coaster ride in December 2018. While the market volatility left investors feeling uneasy about their portfolios, it’s important to keep these fluctuations in perspective. We’ve compared the recent highs and lows to those of 2008 to better understand just how recent market swings really stack up.

Image for Bedel Financial Forum: Market Expectations for the Long- and Short-Haul

Nov 15, 2018

Bedel Financial Forum: Market Expectations for the Long- and Short-Haul

This year’s Bedel Financial Forum was another great evening with an engaging and thought-provoking speaker! Jeffrey Kleintop, chief global investment strategist for Charles Schwab, joined us to discuss the state of the international market and what that could mean for investment portfolios. Read on for a recap of his insights.

Image for Can You Recession-Proof Your Investments?

Nov 12, 2018

Can You Recession-Proof Your Investments?

Recessions are a fact of life in the world of investments, but there are ways you can help to protect your portfolio from periods of economic downturn. Because no one can accurately predict just when a recession will hit, it’s important to be prepared. Read on for our tips and strategies on preparing your investments to weather the storm.

Image for Target-Date Funds: Are They Right for You?

Jul 30, 2018

Target-Date Funds: Are They Right for You?

Chances are you’ve heard of target-date funds…but do you really know what they are and if they’re a good fit for your investment plan? We dive into the particulars so you don’t have to! Read on for more information on the pros of target-date funds, as well as their downside.

Image for How Company Cash Decisions Impact the Market

May 21, 2018

How Company Cash Decisions Impact the Market

A company’s annual performance can affect the stock market – but you might not have considered that how companies spend cash to benefit their shareholders can do just the same. We explore the ways companies routinely spend their cash to benefit shareholders, and what effect each of those ways has on the stock market.

Image for Stock Market Volatility: How to Survive

Feb 19, 2018

Stock Market Volatility: How to Survive

It’s been just over a year since the Dow Jones reached 20,000 points. Since then, we’ve had a pretty easy ride without too much market volatility…until February. While it’s nearly impossible to predict the Dow Jones future, you can educate yourself on why there’s volatility in the market, as well as the best course of action to take when volatility strikes.

Image for Highlights of Our Annual Financial Forum

Nov 3, 2017

Highlights of Our Annual Financial Forum

The featured speaker at Bedel Financial’s annual Financial Forum was Liz Ann Sonders, senior vice president and chief investment strategist at Charles Schwab. Liz Ann touched on a number of issues regarding the economy and the market. Here are the highlights!

Image for Stock Market: Stay In or Get Out?

Jul 17, 2017

Stock Market: Stay In or Get Out?

Recently we’ve enjoyed a bull market with stocks nearing an all-time high. The Standard & Poor 500 Index is up more than 300 percent from ...

Image for International Stocks: Is Now the Time?

Jun 26, 2017

International Stocks: Is Now the Time?

After years of underperformance compared to U.S. stocks, international stocks have sprung to life over the past 12 months. This is welcomed news for ...

Image for New Investment Vehicle: Interval Funds

Apr 10, 2017

New Investment Vehicle: Interval Funds

Everyone has heard of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and probably even ETFs. But have you heard of “interval” funds? No? You might want to ...

Image for Dow Jones 20,000: Time to Sell?

Jan 30, 2017

Dow Jones 20,000: Time to Sell?

Dow hits record high 20,000! Can it go higher? Will the bottom drop out? Should you buy, sell, or hold? These are all good questions with no easy ...

Image for Are Humans Wired for Successful Investing?

Nov 28, 2016

Are Humans Wired for Successful Investing?

Are you your worst enemy when it comes to investing for your future? Behavior scientists may say “yes”. People want safety and comfort. ...

Image for International Stocks:  Is it Time to Buy, Sell or Hold?

Aug 1, 2016

International Stocks: Is it Time to Buy, Sell or Hold?

What’s going on with the international stock market? Prudent investors use international stocks to diversify their portfolios.

Image for After the Vote:  Impact of Brexit

Jul 5, 2016

After the Vote: Impact of Brexit

The UK is leaving the EU. Reaction: Yikes! What does this mean to you and me? Nothing or everything? Why did they vote to leave? What will change and how quickly?

Image for Tax Strategies to Ease the Pain of a Down Market!

Feb 7, 2016

Tax Strategies to Ease the Pain of a Down Market!

It’s not fun to watch your portfolio decrease in value, but there is a way to make lemonade out of lemons!

Image for Stock Portfolio Down, Taxes Up - How Does that Happen?

Oct 12, 2015

Stock Portfolio Down, Taxes Up - How Does that Happen?

As we write this, the stock market seems to be on course for its first down year since 2008. While not fun, drops in the stock market are natural and should be expected from time to time.

Image for Stock Market Advice:  Don’t Panic!

Aug 31, 2015

Stock Market Advice: Don’t Panic!

Does a 10% drop in the stock market scare you? Emotions lead to bad decisions. Be a smart investor. Understand that markets go up and down and invest only if you have the wherewithal to stay invested while everyone else is panicking.

Image for Is Alibaba a Good Investment?

Sep 29, 2014

Is Alibaba a Good Investment?

Alibaba is the Chinese version of Amazon and eBay. However, it is already larger than both of them combined! It just went public and investors can now buy its stock on the New York Stock Exchange.