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Tax Refund: Save or Spend?
What should you do when you get a large refund? If you have any debt, specifically high-interest debt, one of the best uses of your tax refund would be to pay down that debt.
Personal Finance Hacks 101
Automation isn’t just for short-term needs. Many retirement plans allow you to automatically increase your retirement savings by 1% each calendar year. This small adjustment can often go unnoticed, but before long, you will have significantly increased your retirement account without lifting a finger!
CD’s: Guess Who’s Back
Certificates of Deposit became something of an afterthought in a zero-interest rate world. The days of earning 0% yield on bank accounts and not much more on conservative bonds are behind us for the moment. So what does that mean for investors?
How Strong is the U.S. Consumer?
In an ideal world, the consumer steadily spends money with zero credit card debt and a healthy savings balance. However, we live in the real world. Given the circumstances, the U.S. consumer is still in relatively good shape.
Here’s Your Early 2023 Checklist
You are probably already aware of the perils of credit card debt. Credit cards are relatively easy to obtain and super easy to use. But they come with a big catch - credit card debt is usually very expensive. It should therefore be avoided whenever possible.
The COVID Effect on Your Bank Account
The Bureau of Economic Analysis reports that savings almost tripled over the first two quarters of 2020. This additional savings helps to cushion rainy day funds, but in today's low-rate environment, there comes the point that you should think about how to make the cash - that you worked hard for - work even harder for you.
Got Cash…Want Interest!
This spring, the Federal Reserve lowered the Fed Funds rate to zero percent. This left investors scrambling to find ways to earn interest on their cash. Luckily, there are options available.
What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?
Is your 2020 News Year's resolution related to your finances? A recent study shows that only 8 percent of New Year's resolutions are successful. What can you do to beat the odds and make your resolutions a reality?
4 Tips for Investing in your 40s
Making the correct financial decisions in your 40s can have important ramifications on the success of your long-term and retirement plans.
How to Introduce Your Children to Good Financial Principals
Teaching children financial literacy skills early in life can help set them up for future financial success, but where’s a parent to begin? At Bedel, we encourage parents to teach the three S’s – saving, smart spending, and sharing. Read on for the details on each.
Are You Making the Most of Your HSA?
HSAs are rising in popularity, and some are using these accounts as investment vehicles. So how do you know if you’re getting the most out of your HSA? It’s important to understand the details of HSAs and your financial situation to determine if investing these funds makes sense for you. We’ve outlined the basics, along with questions to be sure to ask yourself before deciding.
When College Planning Goes Awry
Not all education paths after high school look the same…so what should you do about that 529 if your child decides to take a different path than traditional college? The good news is you do have options. Whether it’s attending a vocational school, going into the military or immediately joining the work force, your 529 savings aren’t lost. We break down just what your choices are and how those will affect you.
Game-Changing Financial Resolutions for 2018
What is your financial resolution for 2018? Our advice, start with: Reducing your credit card debt; Building an emergency fund; and Increasing your retirement savings.
Is Your Money Safe? Can the FDIC & SIPC Protect You?
If your bank or brokerage firm failed, do you know what would happen to your money and investments? Thankfully, FDIC and SIPC insurance is there to protect you and your savings, but only up to a specified amount. Find out just how much you’re covered!
Flexible Spending Account = Money Saved
How would you like to save on your next pair of glasses or your child’s preschool tuition? You don’t need a coupon and you won’t have to negotiate a deal – all you need is a Flexible Spending Account.
Career Starters: Wake Up!
What’s the one deadly sin that can ruin your financial future? Answer: Spending when you should be saving! If you are part of the millennial ...
Got EE Savings Bonds?
Quite a few people have savings bonds that they purchased or received as a gift years ago. If you’re one of those people, you’ve probably wondered what they’re worth or what you can do with them now?
And They’re Off...Triple Crown Advice for Graduates
What an exciting time of year! Graduates are coming down the stretch headed for the real world and horse enthusiasts are hoping that Kentucky Derby winner, Orb, brings home the Triple Crown.