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HSA Contributions for Adult Children on Your Health Plan
Many understand the tax advantages of employing a health savings account for themselves or their family, but few know how it can be used for an adult child. Check the rules to see if your adult child can open their own HSA.
What To Do With a 529 Plan for a Disabled Child
With TCJA expiring on 12/31/2025, tax-free rollovers are also set to expire. There is, however, a bill called the ENABLE Act that would make tax-free rollovers permanent. The ENABLE Act becoming law seems promising, as it passed the United States Senate in September 2024.
Naming Beneficiaries: What to Know
Ensuring your beneficiary designations are up to date is crucial to ensuring your wishes are fulfilled. By utilizing various estate planning strategies, you can make for an efficient transfer and leave your beneficiaries in a good position, considering their unique circumstances.
How to Jump-Start Your Child’s Retirement
This is a long-term investment. Your child will probably not fully appreciate your generosity today, but as they grow, so will the account and (hopefully) their gratitude!
Developing & Sharing your Legacy Plan
Gathering and organizing the suggested information for trusted individuals should allow you to sleep better at night. Before it’s too late, talk with those who will have a role in your estate settlement, care, and legacy so they can sleep better at night, too.
Pros & Cons: Co-Ownership of your Home
Given the number of cons, seeking alternative methods to transfer a home to beneficiaries efficiently is suggested. If probate avoidance is a goal, a revocable trust or a transfer on death deed should be considered.
Financial Infidelity
There are plenty of reasons someone might conceal information or deceive their partner. For instance, a high-earning spouse may tell their partner they earn less because they fear their partner would spend more.
Loans from The Bank of…. Mom and Dad?
Intra-family loans can be a simple option to help borrowers save on interest expenses and give lenders a yield on funds that may otherwise sit in cash. However, you should also review your financial security before offering to help others.
Family Issues: It’s about the Money!
Having conversations and making money decisions can be tough when it involves loved ones. Being proactive can save both your money and relationships.
Grandparent Owned 529 Plans: What You Need to Know
Helping a grandchild with their college expenses by putting money in their 529 is great! But do you know if contributions count as a gift or if the grandchild is a "skip person," or if it can hurt financial aid eligibility?
Great Parents, Bad Savers?
It’s stressful to know that your parents haven’t prepared for retirement. It’s even more stressful to think that they may depend on you financially.
Legal Medical Documents: Don’t Leave for College Without Them!
As your child heads off to college, you might feel a bit of relief knowing that your job is least for a few months. But if you don’t have legal medical documents in place for your child, your job just became much harder should your student be hurt or incapacitated while away from home. Read on for our advice on documents it makes sense to have in place so you can make healthcare decisions for your child should he/she be unable to.
Challenges of the Sandwich Generation
According to the Pew Research Center, 15% of middle-aged adults will end up financially supporting a parent and a child at the same time. If you find yourself in that 15%, you’re part of what has become known as the Sandwich Generation. We discuss what you should think about if you find yourself being sandwiched between the two generations.
Are You Sacrificing Your Retirement for Your Adult Kids?
Any parent knows how difficult it can be to watch your children struggle, and the urge to step in and help out financially can be a strong one. But it turns out you could be doing more harm than good, especially when it comes to your own finances. Be sure you’re funding your own needs, such as retirement and savings accounts, before you open your wallet to your children.
Valentine’s Day: Give the Gift of Financial Security
This Valentine’s Day, switch it up and give the gift of financial security. Read our tips for the best Valentine’s Day gift.
Role Reversal: Becoming Legal Guardian for Elderly Parents
Concerned about your elderly parent’s safety or ability to make sound decisions? It might be time to consider becoming a legal guardian for your parent. We’ve laid out the basics of legal guardianship and what the process might entail for you.
With a Will, It’s Done Your Way
What happens if you die without a will in place? Who decides where your assets go, and more importantly, who cares for your children? Without a will, these decisions are left up to the state…and you might not like their choices. Drafting a will enables you to clearly articulate your wishes for the disposition of your estate, as well as the care of your children, ensuring your final wishes are carried out. Read on for our tips on creating your will.
Retirement Communities: What’s the Appeal?
If you’re retired or planning to be soon, a Continuing Care Retirement Community might be a good option for you. Continued independence with the added bonus of on-site medical care, maintenance-free living and amenities galore can be a draw for many retirees. But it’s important to understand your options and the associated cost – all those amenities can come with a hefty price tag! Be sure you understand your options: Read on for all the details.
The Gift of Pre-Planning a Funeral
Chances are planning your own funeral probably isn’t high on your list of things you’d like to do. But taking the time now to plan how you would like your life to be celebrated can be a wonderful gift for your family and friends, removing undue stress from them during an already emotional time.
Your Aging Parent Is Ill – Now What?
If your dad is suddenly hospitalized, who would your mom turn to for help? You? If so, do you understand Medicare, Medicaid, and long-term care ...
Longevity Planning: Covering all the Bases
You’ve executed a last will and testament and created a plan for divvying up your assets when you pass. You’re covered, right? Not ...
Protecting Seniors from Fraud
Anyone of any age can get scammed, but seniors make the easiest targets. Each year they lose billions of dollars to scam artists, friends, and too ...
Caring for Loved Ones with Alzheimer’s
Does someone close to you have Alzheimer’s? If so, you’ll likely want your loved one to retain his or her lifestyle and independence as ...
Should You Ever Lend Money to Family?
Lending to relatives can cause tense situations at family gatherings! While such loans could be a win-win, you need to understand the potential ramifications before you make a commitment
What do You and Prince Have in Common
If you are one of the 64% of Americans who do not have a will, you are in the good company of Aretha Franklin and Prince as well as Sonny Bono, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Abraham Lincoln. Unfortunately, dying without a will can create a mess for your heirs.
Who Will Care for You?
Americans age 65 and older have more than a 70% chance of needing some form of long-term care. Aging at home as well as residing in an assisted living facility or retirement community are all options.
Wedding Costs! Really?
If you are over age 60, you probably spent a few thousand dollars or less for your wedding, including all the trimmings.
Financial Fraud Against Seniors
Five million! That’s the number of financial fraud cases perpetrated against seniors in the United States each year according to a recent study by Consumers Digest.
Who will Raise Your Child?
There is nothing better than celebrating the birth of a new baby. If it is the first baby, there are many “first time” experiences to be enjoyed as well as some “first time” decisions to be made. Naming a guardian is one of those.