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Image for CD’s: Guess Who’s Back

May 1, 2023

CD’s: Guess Who’s Back

Certificates of Deposit became something of an afterthought in a zero-interest rate world. The days of earning 0% yield on bank accounts and not much more on conservative bonds are behind us for the moment. So what does that mean for investors?

Image for Got Cash…Want Interest!

Aug 10, 2020

Got Cash…Want Interest!

This spring, the Federal Reserve lowered the Fed Funds rate to zero percent. This left investors scrambling to find ways to earn interest on their cash. Luckily, there are options available.

Image for Is Your Financial Institution Right for You?

Oct 8, 2018

Is Your Financial Institution Right for You?

Financial institutions are a dime a dozen these days, so how do you know which one is right for your needs? We explore the different types of banks to help you better understand the pros and cons and make an informed decision.

Image for Marijuana: Boondoggle Or Serious Investment?

Apr 17, 2018

Marijuana: Boondoggle Or Serious Investment?

Marijuana’s popularity is on the rise, and as states continue to legalize its use, the industry around its growth and distribution could be an attractive investment. But is it really a good investment? We explore this trending industry and what it could mean if you decide to invest.

Image for How Cryptocurrencies Will Transform Our Banking System

Mar 5, 2018

How Cryptocurrencies Will Transform Our Banking System

Cryptocurrencies are a hot investment for many right now, but who would have thought they might change the face of the banking industry? From ease of money movement to virtually no transaction costs associated with the transfer of money, cryptocurrencies could be paving the way for a disruption to the banking industry’s traditional way of doing things.